Well, this week was a very tiring week! There were quite a few days that we had to spend all day in the mission office trying to figure out some things about transportation and sending out long emails and such. There were a couple times where, at the end of the day, my head hurt so bad from trying to figure things out! We had stayed up until 12:30 one of the nights, to send out information and and try to figures some things out and then get ready for MLC.
MLC was super cool this month. We got to invite all of the district leaders to come, so it was basically all of the leadership at one meeting! We talked a lot about vision and when we don't have vision, then the people perish, and we talked about exchanges and how those can change peoples lives. I would say that is one of the biggest things to help struggling missionaries, is to go on an exchange with them and go to their area and help look at things differently.
There was an Elder who called me on Wednesday and told me that he wanted to talk to me. He is someone with whom I have worked before, and helped him get through some pretty hard times. We sat there on the phone and talked with him for about an hour trying to help him understand what he needed to do. I love this elder and its hard to see him struggling so much, but hopefully the things that we asked him to do will help a lot.
It's been hard to write lately, because all of the days have just seemed to mesh together and i can't even remember anything anymore! But this week we set up all of the exchanges that we are going to go on with all of the zone leaders, of all 9 zones. We sat down and pulled out a calendar and it was weird to see everything planned out all the way until February. We are filled with meetings and dropping off missionaries at the airport and picking them up and doing training's and a whole lot of things, and then we have to fit in all of the exchanges. We made it a goal to go on an exchange with each companionship once a transfer, and that is going to be quite the task since we also have to hold meetings and man the office, so we will see how this goes(;
Its been amazing to see all of the changes that the people in the mission have made, and last month we baptized the most that we have all year! haha I was talking to Daniel Jensen, and he said that they baptize that many in a week... hahaha but its kind of funny (: With the new change of how long English missionaries stay in the MTC from 2 weeks to 3 weeks, my return date will be moved back a week two, so that means that i will get to stay for another week out here! I've realized that I am going to miss the mission a ton. Tonight we are having 4 missionaries come from the Bend and Redmond areas and stay with us, So it is going to get crazy in the apartment here pretty soon (:
Sorry for all of the mixed thoughts today. It's been hard to keep all my thoughts together, let alone write them down! I should probably get better at writing in my journal so i can remember things (: But I love you all, and ps thanks for John Bytheway cds! They have been awesome and I love them to death.
Love, Elder Romney (:
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